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Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy and manage your personal information according to this Privacy Policy. It is possible for this policy to be amended at any time.

Information Collection:

Visiting the Site allows visitors to engage in a wide variety of activities without providing us with any personal information by Wireattire Technology Private Limited. There may be some mandatory information that we ask you to provide and some voluntary information depending on the activity. Engaging in a particular activity is impossible if you do not provide the mandatory data. When you register to use Fashionsspotlight and place orders as a Fashionsspotlight customer, for us to provide you with the services, we may collect your contact information, including your name, telephone number, address, and email address, as well as your profile information, including your password, information about your purchases, and information about your interactions with us.

Personal Information Update:

Personal Information and privacy preferences can be accessed, corrected, or deleted at any time. Your request will be addressed in a timely manner within a reasonable period of time. Most of your Personal Information can be viewed and changed immediately by clicking on the link "My Profile." The ability to change certain Personal Information is restricted to contact support only as a security precaution.

Use of your Personal Information:

To provide Fashionsspotlight services, comply with our legal obligations, and improve our products and services, Fashionsspotlight collects your personally identifiable information. In addition to what is described in this privacy statement, we do not sell, rent, or share your personalized information with third parties. This information may be used by Fashionsspotlight for the following purposes:

  • Manage your financial transactions; provide you with customer service.
  • Take care of customer concerns, questions, and requests.
  • Maintain your account.
  • Provide you with information about products or services that you requested.
  • Provide information regarding special offers and services offered by Fashionsspotlight and selected third parties.
  • Keep you informed about events and promotions.
  • Inquire about and/or take action regarding illegal activity and/or violations of our Terms of Service.
  • Improve our website, services, and offerings by meeting our research and product development needs.
  • Personalize your experience, including our services and offerings.

When a public authority requests personal information, Fashionsspotlight may have to provide it. It will be disclosed when required by law (e.g., to comply with a court order, warrant, or legal notice served on Fashionsspotlight) or when we believe it is necessary for the protection of our rights, avoiding litigation, protecting your safety, the safety of others, investigating fraud, and/or responding to governmental requests. Information about you may also be disclosed if we determine that such disclosure is necessary for national security, law enforcement, or other public interest.

Share of information with service providers:

Payments for our goods and services are processed by one or more outside companies. Currently, we are not aware of any other purpose for which these companies might retain, share, store, or use personally identifiable information. A number of companies that perform services on our behalf may also receive our Personal Information. The information we share with them is limited to what is necessary for them to perform their functions. Our policy requires that any company with whom we may share Personal Information safeguard that data in compliance with this policy and limit its use to the performance of services for the Fashionsspotlight. No Personal Information is sold to or otherwise provided to third parties for the purpose of marketing their own products or services.

Storage of data:

The data we collect from you will be retained as long as your account is active, as long as you need your information to receive service from us, or as long as required by law. Our legal obligations, dispute resolution, and agreement enforcement may require us to retain and use your data. You may request the deletion of your account or that we cease using your information to provide you with services by contacting us at Please expect a timely response to your request.

Options you have:

By clicking the "My Profile" link on the website and selecting the appropriate option, you may opt out of receiving Fashionsspotlight's emails, newsletters, and/or partner emails. During the sign-up process, people usually have the option to opt out of these communications. Regarding the Terms of Service or Submitter Terms of Service, Fashionsspotlight will still contact you when they are amended. The Site will continue to send you service-related email notifications, such as those related to registration, orders, and emails automatically triggered by actions you take on the Site. These communications are not promotional, and you may not opt out of them.

Privacy Protection:

Several safeguards are in place to protect the Personal Information you provide while using the Site. Password-protected servers hold the information accessible only to certain Fashionsspotlight employees. Fashionsspotlight encrypts your personal information when you transmit it. Transport layer security technology encrypts sensitive information when you enter it on our registration or order forms. When you submit Personal Information to us, both during transmission and after receiving it, we strive to protect it.

We intend to ensure that your Personal Information is protected. Still, we cannot guarantee it to be completely secure due to the sensitive nature of the information we collect, process, and store and the current state of technology. Nevertheless, there is no method to transmit information over the Internet or to store it electronically that is completely secure. We will be happy to clarify any questions, doubts, or confusion about these terms through email

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